Phoenix Dachshund Races

This weekend, Rene and I packed up Rigatoni and Alfredo, and went down to Phoenix Greyhound Park for the 2008 Weiner Nationals.

There was, as you would expect, dozens of dachshunds and their owners packed into the stands.

To manage two dachshunds in such a crowded public space took teamwork. So, we enlisted my Dad…

…and family friends and canine handlers extraordinaire Zoe and Anna.

This will be the third year in a row that we have done this. Every year, Rigatoni gets a little better at racing, and we get a little better at training her. But mostly, it’s great goofy fun for dog and owner alike.

P.S. Rene also blogged about the wiener races and my Dad should be sending us some additional pictures shortly… so stay tuned.

  1. christy’s avatar

    This looks SO fun! I am looking for a Westie SOMETHING……what the heck do Westies do…

  2. Allison’s avatar

    How do I get involed with dog races like that in Phoenix cause I have one of the fastest dogs ever

  3. John Tynan’s avatar

    Hi Christy! Thanks for the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. You’re right. It WAS a blast!

    Let me know how your quest for Westies is going. I’m not sure what Westies are known for / what their character is like. I can say that our dachshunds are a pure delight. They bring lots of love and comedy into our life.

    Hope you are well. All the best, John T.

  4. John Tynan’s avatar

    Hi Allison!

    These races happen once in a year.

    You can check for next year’s event.

    You may also want to touch base with Sharon [email protected] or call 602-971-9635 if you are interested in volunteering or racing in the next race.

    I would also look for agility training in your city.

    Good luck with your pup! Thanks for your comment.

  5. Amy’s avatar

    This looks like a blast. I keep meeting people with daschunds and they are all so proud. And each dog is great I have to say.

    Thanks for the comment on my Obama post too.


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