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I remember, years ago, reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and how Robert Pirsig blissed out on attention to detail. Well, I don’t know what precipitated this, but lately, I’ve been absolutely pleased to take my time with any number of projects, from restoring a pair of $100 Rockport tennis shoes that I trashed during a painting project, to raking up a years worth of detritus and pruning every living thing on our front lawn, to this, my long-time bookbinding project.

In addition to getting back up to speed with the ReST to Verse process as described here, I am now getting up to speed with some of the finer points of the Verse and Booklet plugins for LaTeX. Next step is to bind the printed signatures and more.

Either way, I hope to maintain this attention and keep writing about the results.

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