It must be raining on Andrew Shalat. He had a lot of issues from dropping a sausage on his slacks to a stuttering internet connection. But in the end, the point came through forcefully.
There is no interference of technology between capturing and editing. So what does that leave us? What’s between… Story!
I think he might be preaching to the Choir here in talking about story. About how there are two kinds of video:
Narrative: the three part story
Single idea: reportage
He talks about how he’s the soft sell session for the day. He says his book How to Do Everything with Online Video is more for beginners getting started with video. I wonder if he’s pitching his story more for the radio folk who are tentative about picking up a video camera and thinking of applying their storytelling skills from Radio to Videography. But why he would be saying this to a group of Television professionals is beyond me.
His synopsis of how to tell a story very similar to Ira Glass’ advice on telling a radio story.
He asks us to step away from the technology and to serve the story.
Tags: ima2008
John… He pretty much skipped over your question during the session, which is too bad. I think it’s incredibly important that we think about how to transition traditional non-video folks into doing video. He really glossed over it.
I do think the storytelling focus is right-on. Radio already does this, of course. So does print. Video is no different — except that it IS different. I’m wondering whether radio and print folks can really make the leap, or do we have to hire different people?
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